Weekend Retreat Program

Life is a funny one. It rarely happens the way we think. The same can be said of motherhood – it’s often wildly different than we ever imagined. There’s no denying being a mum is one of the most beautiful and sacred things you can be – but it can also be stressful, frustrating, lonely. Maybe you were even prepared to be the cleaner, the cook, the taxi, the psychologist, the hairdresser and everything in between – but somehow, when you look at yourself in the mirror – you’ve lost who you were before becoming a mum. 

There’s so much pressure and expectation for women to have it all figured out (while looking forever 21 at the same time). Am I doing enough? Am I raising my kids right? Does a ‘good mum’ stay at home with the kids or go back to work? Am I a terrible person for wanting to have some time to myself?

Everyone else seems to have it together, and it feels like no one really notices or understands how hard you work every damn day. 

I feel like my life has been taken over by everything, and everyone else, around me. I want to get off the endless cycle of rushing from home to work to weekend sport. I want to enjoy my life and my family again.
— Kate

Is this you?

No-one wants to say it out loud but I’ll say it for you – sometimes being a woman makes you feel like a broken mess. Do you even remember who you are? What lights your fire? When was the last time you thought about your own needs and connected with your inner-being? 

If this resonates with you, I hear you, I see you and I feel you. 

I promise you – the fun-loving, free, confident and competent woman you really are is still in there – she just got buried under grocery lists, work meetings and looking after everyone else but herself. You can feel like your old self again – or if you want – reinvent yourself into the woman you want to become and know has been there all along.  

All you need is the right tools, space and support to rediscover and recover her. That’s where the Celebrate Me program comes in.

I just feel like it’s never enough – I can’t do enough or be enough or get enough done every day. I want some quiet and stillness, away from the endless hassles and frustrations, to just be me, guilt-free.
— Maddi

How will Celebrate Me change my life?

The Celebrate Me retreat and program will give you support and space to reconnect with yourself and create the life you really want for you and your family. By the end of the program you will:

- Be free from feeling like your life belongs to everyone else

- Create a pathway out of feeling overwhelmed, rushing, failing and never doing or being enough

- Know how to have time for YOU in your life, without feeling resentful, guilty or sad

- Know how to REALLY be there for your kids, partner, aging parents and boss without losing yourself

- Welcome the real you back into your everyday life and tap into your unique energy and endless vitality

About Deb

Everything I’m talking about I’ve been through myself, but I took a lot longer than the length of this program to sort it out. The journey really started for me when my husband died suddenly at 36 years old, and my life changed in an instant.

I was no longer a wife. I probably wouldn’t get to be a mum. I didn't have a job. Without these roles, I didn't know what or who I was, or what I was or what I wanted to be. I thought I needed all those labels to feel good about myself and valued by others.

After many years of soul searching, I realised that all the roles and labels were blocking me from being my true, fabulous self. I started to see the expectations projected onto me through advertising, Facebook, family and friends. Then I got clear about how I wanted my life to look and feel.

I finally came to understand that I need to live my life according to my own values, rather than bowing to outside pressures, comparing myself to others, or giving in to guilt or fear of missing out. To do this, I had to understand my own beliefs, then choose to live my life based on these.  I had to just be me.

Now when I get up every day, I know I’m already good enough, just by the fact that I'm here. That belief comes from deep inside me, not from anywhere else. I’m committed to supporting other women to know, feel and understand this for themselves, and create it in their own lives. 

What do others say about Deb’s programs?

“Deb empowered me to face my fears, identify my strengths and journey towards a better life with purpose and gratitude."

Kathleen Gooch, Goalstarter Workshop Participant

"It's a little boot camp for the mind and soul, fostering great initiatives for living a fantastic life."

Janette Cowley, Goalstarter Workshop Participant

 "I have found Deb to be both encouraging and motivating, a good listener and an example to be followed."

Jodi Edwards, Individual Coaching Client (fitness goals)

"As an experienced family therapist and educator, I was more than happy to co-facilitate (with Deb) - working with Deb was a joy as she is organised, knowledgeable, realistic, sensitive and kind.  Feedback confirmed that this group was well-timed, much needed and extremely therapeutic.  I look forward to working with Deb again."

Maxine Giles, Family and Relationship Counsellor, Centacare, Mackay Qld 

"I would like to thank you again for agreeing to build and present a Motivational Interviewing training session for my team. The training was excellent.  You provided a solid overview of Motivational Interviewing and how to put it in practice not only in our work environment but our personal lives as well. The presentation was both interesting and engaging with a good balance of group talk and interaction.  It was exactly what I was looking for."

Rebecca Adamson, Manager, Ozcare Mens Hostel, Mackay, Qld

“Throughout my journey with Deb, I have found new strengths and abilities I never knew I possessed.  Deb has provided me with the confidence to pursue my dreams and has taught me about my own self-worth. Her professionalism and compassion is beyond comparison. I can’t recommend Deb highly enough.”

Venetia Aprile, personal and work goals