Women’s Truth
Being a woman in the world today is very different from 100 years, or even 50 years ago.
Our experience now is not the same as our mothers and grandmothers. We are becoming more consciously aware of the (mostly unspoken) social expectations there are on women. These expectations can pull us away from being our authentic selves.
This project is about talking with women about what expectations they see in their culture and community and the impact they have on their everyday lives. It’s also about recognising who they really are when they let those expectations go.
Why do this?
This project is about making the unspoken and unseen spoken and heard. It’s about hearing the stories of women all over the world about what it’s like to be a woman in their culture. The stories, collected from 100 women through interviews across the world, will be unfiltered and unrestricted. They will give women the space to be their real, authentic selves.
When we hear these stories, we create an opportunity to connect. We hear ourselves in the stories, we see from other’s perspectives and we understand what we share together.
It is from this place that we can see our truth and if we want to make change, as individuals or as communities, we have the knowledge, support and strength to do it.
“The intention of this project is to give you a space to openly share what it feels like for you as a woman of your age, ethnicity and family situation in your country.”
Who is Deb Rae?
I am a 56 year old Australian woman who is married, with no kids, and living in a regional community. I’ve been a widow and lived in other parts of the world. I’ve noticed throughout my life that there have been expectations (from family, friends, community, in social media) about how I should live my life. These expectations are not placed on men in my community and I find them very limiting and unrealistic. The expectations range from being trivial to profoundly life-changing, such as:
I shouldn’t earn more than my husband
I should wear less makeup as I get older
I should make sure my husband eats healthy meals
I shouldn’t travel too much or be away from my family
I should be nurturing and take care of other people’s needs
I’ve seen and talked with many other women who experience the same expectations. Some of them have become stuck in a life they ‘should’ be living rather than the one they really want. Others have completely rejected these expectations and live by their own rules, which can be freeing but also isolating.
I want to explore these expectations with a diverse range of women from across the world to understand:
What are these expectations like for you (if they exist)?
How do they impact on your life?
What are the intended outcomes?
Tell me more
The interview questions will therefore be very broad at first, but then they will be different for each individual woman. Depending on what you talk about, the questions will then focus on a particular issue, concept or situation that is meaningful for you and you’re comfortable to share.
How will it be organised?
1. We will first meet together (about 45-60 minutes):
In a place where you’re comfortable (eg: your home or a quiet public place)
Talk together for about 45 minutes
Take your photo
Sign a Consent Form
2. I will then draft an article based on your words (2-3 paragraphs or 400 words) and send it to you to approve (with a photo).
3. I will redraft the article based on your feedback.
4. I will publish the article on the Women’s Truth Facebook page and Deb Rae Solutions website.
Examples of the initial broad questions are:
What's it really like to be a woman in your country?
What's hard about being a woman in your country?
What are the expectations of women (and mums)?
Have they changed since you were young?
What pressures do you face?
What do you love about being a woman in your country?
1. We will first meet together (about 45-60 minutes):
In a place where you’re comfortable (eg: your home or a quiet public place)
Take your photo
Sign a Consent Form
2. Deb will then draft an article based on your words (2-3 paragraphs or 400 words) and send it to you to approve (with a photo).
3. Deb will redraft the article based on your feedback.
Deb will publish the article on the Women’s Truth Facebook page and Deb Rae Solutions website.
I will be using your words as much as possible in the final written story. I will not add to or change your words or write any of your story myself.
Your story will only be published with your consent.
You are free to change this at any time before the story is presented on social media and website.
Only information and images that you approve will be published.
Only information and images that you approve will be published.
Deb will sign a Confidentiality Statement affirming that she will only share information that you give approval to be shared. This includes anything else that is discussed during the interview but not included in the written article.
When you meet, Deb will ask you to complete a Consent Form, saying you give approval for her to record the interview and for the final article and photo to appear on social media and the Deb Rae Solutions website.
How can I be part of this?
Want to be one of the 100 women Deb interviews for this project? We’d love to her from you!
Contact us and tell us a little about you, starting with your:
Why you want to be part of this project