Time and Scarcity

Truth is, sometimes I’m pretty happy about not having much time to get things done.


I’m sure you’ve noticed this too – for some jobs, if I have a couple of hours to do it, I’ll use up every bit of those two hours.  But if something comes up and I only have 45 minutes to do that job, I can miraculously find a way to make it happen.


It feels like there’s never enough time for all I want to do, especially after I use up some of it stressing about needing more time. 


But I also think there are times when I’m better off with less time to do stuff.  That means I’ll have less time to explore all 54 options, notice five other little jobs I need to do along the way, second, third and fourth-guess myself, then panic about how much time I’ve wasted.


So it’s not the amount of time that’s a problem – it’s my incredible ability to turn every job into lots more work and stress.  The lack of time is actually useful – it makes me zoom in on what’s most important and just do that. 

I’m really keen to just do that.

Deb Rae